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SMA Blog

Neil joined the IPSM-711 Sport Marketing Class taught by Professor Nancy Lough at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. This course is a study of the conceptual and empirical approaches sport leaders can utilize for building relationships with stakeholders of college sport programs.
On Thursday, September 29th, Neil sat in the Beginning, Data Analytics for Sports class taught by Professor Richard Bailey at the University of Mount Union in Alliance, Ohio. 
Marketers targeting sports fans as the focus of their various campaigns don’t show any sign of slowing down. From cryptocurrency companies putting their names on stadiums and arenas to traditional marketing powerhouses like Gatorade and McDonalds, sports fans are now a more sought after audience than ever.
Pro Tips: Help your Students Find SBRnet
Posted: 9/6/2022 3:06:25 PM
A number of students have told us they have had trouble finding SBRnet on their school library websites. To make it easier for everyone, here is the description we recommend libraries use and below that are a list of our suggested keywords.
This upcoming school term, Dr. Tim Koba from High Point University invited our President and Chief Data officer in to work with his students in his strategic management class for sports organizations.